Myofascial Release (MFR) is a gentle hands-on technique that has a huge impact on deep connective tissues of the body, AKA fascia. Fascia is a 3-dimensional web of tough connective tissue that surrounds and infuses every part of your body all the way down to the individual cells. Therefore, it affects EVERY system and function in the body.
This technique occurs when the therapist applies light yet firm pressure on points of tension throughout the body. It differs from massage in that MFR can be very localized, gentle, and it is specific to each patient’s body. Massage is usually much more forceful and often pushes the body’s pain limits to achieve results that are typically short lived.
Stuck or restricted fascia is kind of like beef jerky, or you can maybe visualize a pot of cooked spaghetti left overnight without any oil or butter – it gets all dried out and stuck together. Similarly, fascial restrictions loose hydration, become “stuck” together, shorten, + lose the ability to move. As a result, you experience a myriad of symptoms that can include but are not limited to; chronic or acute pain, GI issues, pelvic pain, low back or neck pain, headaches or migraines and lack of flexibility.
MFR assists the body in releasing fascial restrictions. Through gentle pressure the fascia releases, blood flow increases, and the restrictions in the body are freed, decreasing or eliminating symptoms and/or pain.